Tuesday, October 09, 2007

How much did you pay?

I'm probably the last to write about this, but British band Radiohead are offering their latest album for a price that you determine via download. The price box is empty and you fill it in yourself, anywhere from zero to infinity. So technically, you could legally acquire it for free (save the 45 pence credit card surcharge, roughly 90 cents). After a couple of difficult years for the "music industry" that has seen a an increase in illegally downloaded material and a decline in CD sales, Radiohead are making an attempt to send a message it seems.
Afraid of people stealing your art? Alleviate yourself by giving it away for free.
Tired of record companies taking your art and selling at a price that you have no control over? Easy... Cut out the middle man and do with your creation as you see fit.
Assuming everyone who reads this blog is a raging fan, let me get personal...

How much did you pay?